- Freely available Radiological environmental assessment tools
- Databases on the transfer of radionuclides to wildlife and the effects of ionising radiation on wildlife
- Summaries and outputs of various relevant EC EURATOM projects
- Various national initiatives
- Relevant activities of international organistations such as the IAEA, ICRP, UNSCEAR, IUR, WNA and NEA-OECD
The development of assessment approaches for application in environmental radiological assessements has been moderately rapid over the last decade (2000-2010). As a consequence comparatively recent outputs have been superseded. Whilst these 'older' outputs are openly available their replacements should be used by preference. However, we recognise that it may not be obvious to all users which approaches have been superseded, here are the ones we are aware of:
- Transfer parameters available in the ERICA Tool replace those published in the EPIC and FASSET approaches.
- The RESRAD-BIOTA code replaces the BCG-calculator.
- The FREDERICA wildlife radiation effects database is an update of the FRED database.
- The England & Wales Environment Agency intend to replace their own approach (EA R&D128) with the ERICA Tool.
- The transfer parameters currently (December 2009) available within the ERICA Tool will be updated during 2010 using data being compiled within the Wildlife transfer database.
Assessors should NOT use these superseded approaches unless they can thoroughly justify their application (e.g. the use of the EA R&D128 model would be justified for releases of noble gases to the atmosphere as this is the only approach to consider these radionuclides).
If you have outputs that you would like to have included within these pages please let us know (email: clb@ceh.ac.uk Cath Barnett)