NOTE: June 2011 - The database is now back on-line! A number of evaluations of the available approaches to estimating the exposure of wildlife to ionising radiation have concluded that the estimation of wholebody activity concentrations (using transfer models) contributes most to the overall uncertainty of the dose rate predictions (for instance see outputs of the IAEA EMRAS Biota Working Group and the EC funded PROTECT consortium).
How to categorise terrestrial species by database wildife group and as ICRP RAPS (contains information for all species included in the database to date). Version 16th September 2011. A useful link for confirming/finding any new scientific names added to the database can be found on the National Biodiversity Gateway. Type species name into search box (can be common name) and on the results page select Taxonomic information for Scientific Name.
- contains some useful links.
How to convert tissue specific activity concentrations to wholebody values.
Please forward the website details on to anyone else you think might have suitable data.