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Dose per unit release factors (DPUR) were derived for the radionuclides in [R&D Publication 128|^SR-DPUB-128-E-E.pdf] \[2\] for reference organisms using dose rate per unit concentration (DPUC) data in air, soil and water combined with simple dispersion modelling factors (DPUCs were calculated based on reference organism geometries, concentration factors and occupancy factor information; the method is described in full in the [Sp1a report|^SP3-101-SP1A-E-E.pdf] \[3\]). |
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Surrogate radionuclides were selected for those not included in R&D128 \[1, table A1.1\] generally based on cautious assumptions. |
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A spreadsheet tool (incorporating the DPUR for each radionuclide, site specific dispersion parameters and the authorisation limit) was used to calculate the dose rate to the worst affected reference organism. This tool is not currently publicly available, however, the DPUR data is provided in \[1\] and the method and data used to incorporate site specific dispersion parameters is published in the Initial Radiological Assessment Methodology Reports \[[4|^SCHO0309BPMN-e-e.pdf], [5|^SCHO0106BKDT-e-e.pdf]\]. |
5 R W Allott, B Lambers and J G Titley, Initial radiological assessment methodology - part 1 user report (2006)