Beresford, N., Brown, J., Copplestone, D., Garnier-Laplace, J., Howard, B.J., Larsson, C-M., Oughton, O., Pröhl, G., Zinger, I. (eds.) 2007.
D-ERICA: An INTEGRATED APPROACH to the assessment and management of environmental risks from ionising radiation. Description of purpose, methodology and application.
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Annex A
Annex B
Copplestone, D. (ed.), Brown J., Hingston J.L., Real A., Sazykina T., Sundell-Bergman S.,
Wood M.D. 2005.
DELIVERABLE D1: Progress on the Production of the Web-based Effects Database: FREDERICA.
Full text
Copplestone, D., Bjork, M. and Gilek, M. (eds.), Agüero, A., Björk, M., Copplestone, D., Garnier-Laplace, J., Gilek, M.,
Larsson, C-M., Oughton, DH. 2005.
DELIVERABLE D4a: Ecological Risk Characterisation: An Interim Method for the ERICA Integrated Approach.
Full text
Björk, M. and Gilek, M.(eds.), Adam, C., Agüero, A., Björk, M., Copplestone, D., Jaworska, A., Garnier-Laplace, J., Gilek, M., Larsson, C-M., Oughton, D.H., Pérez Sánchez, D., Salbu, B., Wilkinson, H. 2005.
DELIVERABLE D4b: Overview of Ecological Risk Characterisation Methodologies
Full text
Garnier-Laplace, J. and Gilbin, R. (eds.), Agüero, A., Alonzo, F., Björk, M., Ciffroy, Ph., Copplestone, D., Garnier-Laplace, J., Gilbin, R., Gilek, M., Hertel-Aas, T., Jaworska, A., Larsson, C-M., Oughton, D., Zinger, I. 2006.
DELIVERABLE 5: Derivation of Predicted-No-Effect-Dose-Rate values for ecosystems (and their sub-organisational levels) exposed to radioactive substances.
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Annex A
Annex B
Oughton, D., Zinger, I., Bay, I., Børretzen,B., Garnier-Laplace, J., Larsson, C-M., Howard, B.J. 2004.
DELIVERABLE D7a: First EUG Event - Part 1: Discussion of ERICA Workplan.
Full text