For details of training courses see here
We suggest that course participants become familiar with the following documents prior to the course:
D-ERICA: An integrated approach to the assessment and management of environmental risks from ionising radiation. Description of purpose, methodology and application. Full text
Copplestone, D., Bielby, S., Jones, S.R., Patton, D., Daniel, P., Gize, I. 2001. Impact assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife. R&D publication 128. Environment Agency, Bristol.
Further suggested reading:
Beresford, N.A., Barnett, C.L., Howard, B.J., Scott, W.A., Brown, J.E., Copplestone D. 2008. Derivation of transfer parameters for use within the ERICA Tool and the default concentration ratios for terrestrial biota. J. Environ. Radioact., 99, 1393-1407.
Contact Nick Beresford for a copy if required.