h6. Wildlife Transfer Database {color:#0000ff}[http://www.wildlifetransferdatabase.org/]{color}
A number of evaluations of the available approaches to estimating the exposure of wildlife to ionising radiation have concluded that the estimation of wholebody activity concentrations (using transfer models) contributes most to the overall uncertainty of the dose rate predictions (for instance see outputs of the [IAEA EMRAS Biota Working Group|iaea] and the EC funded [PROTECT] consortium).
Acting on such findings the [IAEA EMRAS II|http://www-ns.iaea.org/projects/emras/emras2/default.htm] programmes [Working Group 5|http://www-ns.iaea.org/projects/emras/emras2/working-groups/working-group-five.htm] is working to collate data on the transfer of radionuclides to wildlife to support the production of a [Technical Report Series|http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/ResultsPage.asp] handbook. In collaboration with the IUR, the EMRAS II Working Group is using an online database ([click|http://www.wildlifetransferdatabase.org/] to access) to collate and summarise data. The database has been designed and supported by the: Environment Agency, England and Wales; Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK); Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority; Natural Environment Research Council (UK).
{align:center}{color:#ff0000}{*}Your assistance in populating the{*}{color} {color:#ff0000}*[database|http://www.wildlifetransferdatabase.org/]*{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}with any suitable data on concentration ratios that you may have would be welcomed{*}{color}.
\\ {align}Once you have registered to use the database, there is a help/guidance document available which explains what information is being requested how to navigate within the website and complete the database fields. Please note that we will be continuing to modify the design of the website (for example, we know that the view summary pages are currently not working correctly).
(i) *The help file to the online database can be accessed* [*here*|^CRdatabasehelpon-line.pdf]*.* The help file is regularily updated, {color:#0000ff}version 1.9 (05/08/2010){color} is the current version.
(i) * How to categorise freshwater fish species into sub-categoriesby feeding strategy and as ICRP RAPS* *[here|^Freshwater fish catergories (wiki).xls]** (contains information for all species included into the database)**.* {color:#0000ff}Version 28th July 2010{color}.
(i) *[How to catgorise ICRP RAPS|RAP list]* \- some useful links.
(i) *Questions and answers with regard to using the database and processing input data can be found* *[here|^QandA.pdf]**.*
(i) *We advise that you use Internet Explorer to access the database.*
If you have any queries on how to use the database or find any probelms with it please contact either [Nick Beresford|mailto:nab@ceh.ac.uk] or [David Copplestone|mailto:david.copplestone@environment-agency.gov.uk].
Please forward the website details on to anyone else you think might have suitable data.
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