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Workshop: environmental effects of chronic low level radioactive contamination


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By bringing together scientists involved in environmental and/or laboratory studies of radiation effects, allied ecological fields and radiation protection specialists we hope aimed to:

  • discuss field based studies of effects of radiation at low chronic dose rates
  • investigate the available radiation effects data for low dose rates and consider how these can be incorporated into improved radiation protection systems;
  • discuss current methods for deriving numerical dose rate benchmarks for application in environmental assessments;
  • consider uncertainties in dose estimation including measurements in the field
  • start to understand the basis behind some of the contrasting results and interpretations on the effects of radiation in the environment;
  • agree future research priorities and mechanisms whereby data can be shared.
  • gain a greater understanding of the impacts of radiation on wildlife

List of participants

Workshop conclusions


Agenda and links to presentations

Monday 4th February 2013

 Presentations on Field field based studies on radiation effects



Others (Mayak., field irradiation)

Tuesday 5th February 2013

Presentations were followed by breakout groups to discuss key uncertainties and what are the key research priorities.
(Chairs : Paul Whitehouse – EA & Claus Svendsen – CEH)           

Wednesday 6th February 2013 Reporting on breakout

  • Breakout sessions and general discussion



Publication lists of some participants


Steve Mihok

Stanislav Geraskin

Timothy A. Mousseau (& Moller) 

Anders Moller - all pdfs can be found at




