PROTREE is a project from the Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Initiative. We aim to secure long term tree health through research on the ecology and evolution of tree species and their pests and pathogens. We will find ways to build this knowledge into management by studying the social and economic context of forests.
As a group, the PROTREE team want to encourage you to get involved with our science. If you have questions about what we are doing, or just want more information about the project, we hope you can find it on these pages.
Here, we have some detailed information about the project in general, about the different areas of work that are going on, about the partners involved in the project, as well as the various ways you can get in touch.
We will update the website with new results as we find them and will post recent activities in our News. There will also be chances to meet and work with the project team in Stakeholder workshops, so if you are interested in PROTREE then please get in touch and we will let you know when these events will be happening
**NEW** A short film to introduce PROTREE's aims and importance **NEW**