Versions Compared


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  • A Content Management Platform (Drupal 7) facilitating more dynamic content through CEH-wide staff content generation.
  • Cross­browser/device compatibility, responding to smart phones, iPads and tablets. 
  • Systems integration: NORA, CEH image catalogue and social media.
  • Staff and project databases: showcase and engage staff in publishing content.staff have control over their external profile page and an                project pages. 
  • On-site blog.
  • Rapid set-up of collaborative/standalone science projects websites , termed multisites.
  • Integrated search across CEH corporate website and multisites.
  • Consistent site hosting and technical support (security, server & software maintenance), ensuring CEH’s websites remain secure and maintained. 

Q: Why is the site launched as a beta version?

A: Doing a 'soft launch' with the new website in a beta version allows it to run alongside the existing site. We The webisste has gone live alongside the current website. We envisage doing this for a period of around 2- 4 weeks. It gives us all an opportunity to test the site in a live environment so if any unexpected issues arise we can deal with them while the current site is operational. Secondly, we can use the beta period to gather and act on feedback from staff and external stakeholders prior to going live.


A: Staff members can now update their own individual profiles, create project pages if you are a Principal Investigator, and write blog posts. Please see the tutorial videos for more information. 


A: Not immediately - a workflow will be put in place that will send all new content through to the communications team before being published. This allows the comms team to check the new content for look and feel, ensure that all the links work, etc. Once it has been approved by the comms team the new content will go live.

Q: Who do I contact for if I spot a bug or need help?

A: If your question is not answered by these FAQ or the video tutorials, then please either call 01491 692456 during 9-5, Monday - Friday or email, or call 692456


Project pages

Q: How do I set up my own project website?

A: To set up a new project page, please ask your project's Principal Investigator to come talk to the communications team. Once we have helped you set up the project page you will then have control over the project page. This means you will be able to add specific informationPIs will be given the permissions to create and manage project pages. To request this elevated permissions level contact web support. Once set up you will be able to add and edit the page content, contact details, collaborating information, pictures, etc., as well as update it with any changes that may be made in the future.

Q: Can my My new project have needs its own multi-sitewebsite. Can you help?

A: Yes - set. New project sites can be set up quickly. You will have full control and can undertake bespoke development. Set-up costs are at least £650 plus VAT, so please speak to the head of your project first as those costs will come out of the project's funds. You can then will need to fill out a multi-site request form and send it through to the communications team who will start setting it up.  

Q: CEH has a lot of old legacy projects - will they be moved to be hosted on the new CEH site?


Q: What about externally hosted sites for projects? Will they need a project page as well?

A: This is up to you, but you are very welcome to have a small project page that redirects to the main project page on the external siteOnce the new CEH site has gone live a plan is being developed to identify sites and determine their future management. If you want to migrate this now please speak to Paul Fisher

Q: Can I have multiple project pages?

A: Yes, if they are distinct projects you can have one project page for each oneEach project can have its own unique page

Q: Is there a way to search by keyword? Not everybody will already know the name of the project they're looking for. 
