[Final programme|Training courses - schedule & details^Course Agenda 27-28 April 2010.pdf]
[Radiological protection of the environment - an introduction|Training courses - schedule & details^Howard - introduction.ppsx]
[Transfer - estimating radionuclide activity concentrations in wildlife|Training courses - schedule & details^Beresford - Transfer.ppsx]
[Radiation dosimetry for animals and plants|Training courses - schedule & details^Vives i Batlle - Radiation dosimetry lecture.ppsx]
[Risk analysis and the development of radiological benchmarks|Training courses - schedule & details^Hinton - Effects Benchmarks.ppsx]
[The ICRP’s current position and intentions towards radiological protection of the environment|Training courses - schedule & details^Copplestone ICRP.pdf]
[What to look for when interpreting an assessment|Training courses - schedule & details^Beresford - What to look for.ppsx]
[Modelling the environmental dispersion of radionuclides|Training courses - schedule & details^Vives i Batlle - dispersion modelling.ppsx]
If you want to try the additional exercises from Practical 3 they can be downloaded from [here|Training courses - schedule & details^questions.pdf]
Seventeen participants attended the April 2010 course. At the end of the course we asked for oral feedback and also distributed a questionnaire. The results of the 15 completed questionnaire can be found [here|Training courses - schedule & details^course 1 feedback questionnaire.pdf] (we have included all comments the complimentary, the constructive and even the one negative response). The subsequent courses will be amended to take into account the constructive comments received.