h6. *Course objectives*

The overall objectives of each course are to ensure participants:

(i) are conversant with assessment objectives;
(i) have a basic understanding of radionuclide transfer, dosimetry and radiation effects;
(i) know how to use available tools;
(i) can interpret the results;
(i) understand the implications of how the tools are used.

However, the actual content may differ as the course develops.

|| Dates || Venue || Course details || Places available ||
| 27th-28th April 2010 | CEH Lancaster, UK | See [here|Course 1 (April 2010)] for: presentational materials, practical exercises and \\
feedback from participants | n/a |
| 24th-26th November 2010 | CEH Lancaster, UK | See [here|Course 2 (November 2010)] for presentational materials, practical exercises and \\
feedback from participants | n/a |
| 12th-14th October 2011 | CEH Lancaster, UK | {newwindow: Timetable}https://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/download/attachments/113869684/Radiological+Protection+of+the+Environment+Provisional+programme.pdf{newwindow}\\  {color:#ff0000}[Introductory notes to topics covered during course|http://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/x/hI9BBw]{color} \\
See [here|Course 3 (12-14 October 2011)] for: feedback from participants (presentational materials and practical exercises will be available in December, sorry for the delay) | n/a |
| Week Begining 25th June 2012 | CEH Lancaster, UK | (i) {color:#ff0000}{*}If you wish to register for the course please email{*}{color} {color:#ff0000}*[Cath Barnett|mailto:clb@ceh.ac.uk]*{color}\\
{newwindow: Provisional Timetable}https://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/download/attachments/113869684/Radiological+Protection+of+the+Environment+Provisional+programme.pdf{newwindow}\\  {color:#ff0000}[Introductory notes to topics covered during course|http://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/x/hI9BBw]{color} \\
Please note accomodation is not provided - [suggested accomodation |rpemain:Suggested accommodation]\\
[Travel details |rpemain:CEH Lancaster] | Yes |

{menuicon:new}{color:red}Courses to be held in Melbourne and Perth (Australia) 21-23 March 2012 and 26-28 March 2012 (these course are being organised locally in Australia).{color}
{color:red}Please see{color} {color:red}[Introductory notes to topics covered during course|http://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/x/hI9BBw]{color}{color:red}. Note these may be updated before the course.{color}