Here you can find some of the most commonly asked questions about how to use your pages - if your questions aren't answered below, then please do get in contact by emailing or calling 692456. 

General questions

Q: Why have we created a new website?

A: The old website is over a decade old and no longer reflects the cutting-edge research of CEH. This new website is designed to better represent our science, be more accessible, and allow staff to have control of their presence on the website.

Q: What is different on this new website?

Q: Why is the site launched as a beta version?

A: Doing a 'soft launch' with the new website in a beta version allows it to run alongside the existing site. We envisage doing this for a period of around 2-4 weeks. It gives us all an opportunity to test the site in a live environment so if any unexpected issues arise we can deal with them while the current site is operational. Secondly, we can use the beta period to gather and act on feedback from staff and external stakeholders prior to going live.

Q: What can I do on the website?

A: Staff members can now update their own individual profiles, create project pages, and write blog posts. Please see the tutorial videos for more information. 

Q: Does everything I add immediately go live?

A: Not immediately - a workflow will be put in place that will send all new content through to the communications team before being published. This allows the comms team to check the new content for look and feel, ensure that all the links work, etc. Once it has been approved by the comms team the new content will go live.

Q: Who do I contact for help?

A: If your question is not answered by these FAQ or the video tutorials, then please either email, or call 692456. 


Project pages

Q: How do I set up my own project website?

A: To set up a new project page, please ask your project's Principal Investigator to come talk to the communications team. Once we have helped you set up the project page you will then have control over the project page. This means you will be able to add specific information, contact details, collaborating information, pictures, etc., as well as update it with any changes that may be made in the future.

Q: Can my project have its own multi-site?

A: Yes - set-up costs are at least £650 plus VAT, so please speak to the head of your project first as those costs will come out of the project's funds. You can then fill out a multi-site request form and send it through to the communications team who will start setting it up.  

Q: CEH has a lot of old legacy projects - will they be moved to be hosted on the new CEH site?


Q: What about externally hosted sites for projects? Will they need a project page as well?

A: This is up to you, but you are very welcome to have a small project page that redirects to the main project page on the external site. 

Q: Can I have multiple project pages?

A: Yes, if they are distinct projects you can have one project page for each one. 

Q: Is there a way to search by keyword? Not everybody will already know the name of the project they're looking for. 

A: Currently you can only search by title or Science Area, though the website is in development and this is subject to change. 

Q: How long will a project page stay on the website?

A: There are no set guidelines, and we understand that a project page can still be very useful even after the project has finished. This will be a joint decision between the Principal Investigator and the communications team.


Staff pages

Q: Do I have to fill out my staff page?

A: Unless you are a scientist who is band 5 or above you do not need to fill out your staff page. Unless you decide to publish it, your profile won't appear on the website. 

Q: Do I need to fill out my contact information? 

A: No - unless you are a band 5 or above, it is completely up to you what contact details you put on the website. There is a general 'Contact us' page on the website which gives the reception number, but then there's the slight risk that there's not always somebody at the desk. 

Q: Will my contact details be accessible to spambots?


Q: Will my contact details be accessible to spambots?

Q: Is it possible to have academic public profiles, such as ResearchGate or, as well as Twitter and Facebook?

A: At the moment the only way to add those is in the main body text, but the site is under development and we are considering changing this in response to demand. 

Q: How do the publications get pulled through to my staff page?

A: All the publications are automatically pulled through from NORA. If a publication is not in NORA, that it will not appear on your staff page unless you manually add it into the body text. Some people have mentioned that not all of their publications are coming through, which we are looking into. 

Q: What about publications I did before coming to CEH, and therefore aren't in NORA?

A: You can either write those publications in the main body text or add the publications to NORA. 

Q: The formatting isn't right on some of my publications - why?

A: Currently all publications are pulled through from NORA and then formatted by the website - we are aware that there are some issues, so please bear with us as we get them fixed. 

Q: Is it possible to include a link directly to my NORA page?

A: There is currently no box specifically for this, but you are of course free to put a link in your main body text to your NORA page. 



Q: How do I publish a blog?

A: We encourage everybody to write blog posts, but do please speak to the communications team first - we can help with scheduling and make sure that 30 blogs posts don't suddenly get published at the same time. After speaking with us, then you can add a new blog post by going to the blue bar at the top of the page and hitting 'Content' - 'Add Content' - 'Blog entry'. You can then write the blog, adding in pictures, links, maps, etc. Once you've finished it will go through to the Communications team so we can have a quick look over (double-checking links, pictures, etc.). We will then either publish it directly, or send it back to you to okay any suggestions.

Q: Is it possible to edit a blog after I've written it?

A: Yes, you can edit anything that you've written. The blogs are ordered in terms of publication date, however, so unless you edit the publication date as well your blog won't come through to the top.

Q: Does this mean that the communications team won't help me write blogs any more?
