PROTREE publications:

Substantial heritable variation for susceptibility to Dothistroma needle blight within populations of native British Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Perry A., Wachowiak W., Brown A., Ennos R.A., Cottrell J.E., Cavers S., (2016) Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12528

Has Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) co-evolved with Dothistroma septosporum in Scotland? Evidence for spatial heterogeneity in the susceptibility of native provenances. Perry A, Brown A, Cavers S, Cottrell J, Ennos R (2016) Evolutionary Applications DOI: 10.1111/eva.12395


BIPESCO publications

Entomopathogenic Fungi: New Insights into Host-Pathogen Interactions T.M. Butt, C.J. Coates, I.M. Dubovskiyx and N.A. Ratcliffe,
Advances in Genetics, (In Press) Volume 94

Immuno-physiological adaptations confer wax moth Galleria mellonella resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis. Ivan M. Dubovskiy, Ekaterina V. Grizanova, Whitten M.M.A. Miranda, Krishnendu Mukherjee, Carolyn Greig, Tatiana Alikina, Marsel Kabilov, Andreas Vilcinskas, Viktor V. Glupov, Tariq M. Butt . (In press) Virulence. DOI: 10.1080/21505594.2016.1164367