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Fossett, N. G., Byrne, B.J., Kelley, S.J., Tucker, A.B., Arbour-Reily, P. and Lee, W.R. (1994). The influence of large deletions on the mutation frequency induced by tritiated water and X-radiation in male Drosophila melanogaster post- meiotic germ cells. Mut. Res. 307(1): 213-222.
Johnson, J.R., Myers, D.K., Jackson, J.S., Dunford, D.W., Gragtmans, N.J., Wyatt, H.M., Jones, A.R. and Percy, D.H. (1995). Relative biological effectiveness of tritium for induction of myeloid leukemia in CBA/H mice. Radiat Res 144(1):82-89.
Prestwick, W.V. and Kwok, C.S. (1993). The quality factor for the degradation spectrum of 3H in water. Rad. Prot. Dosimetry 46(3): 195-200.
Straume, T and Carsten, A.L. (1993). Tritium radiobiology and relative biological effectiveness. Health Phys. 65: 657-672.
Tanaka, K., Sawada, S. and Kamada, N. (1994). Relative biological effectiveness and dose rate effect of tritiated water on chromosomes in human lymphocites and bone marrow cells. Mut. Res. Letters 323(1-2): 53-61.
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