
Upgrade the wiki?


We keep up with security patches and ensure our vendor support continues by running the latest versions.


The upgrade will take place over the weekend, starting on Friday 14th October, the service will be offline from 5pm until approx 8am Monday 17th October, we apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.

How will this affect me?

This upgrade will introduce significant changes to the user experience: A new way of creating content, more options in the header, a new sidebar, and new look and feel across the wiki.  We would encourage you to read the full list of things that will change with the upgrade on the Atlassian website.

Additionally, we will be removing the ThemeBuilder (TB) plugin from our site, all spaces affected should already have been made aware of this, but any space still being hosted on the wiki using a custom TB theme will be reverted to the default Confluence theme from this point forward.

Questions or concerns?

Please get in touch with us if you need more info or if the timing of this upgrade will seriously impact your work.

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