It is now generally accepted that there is a need to explicitly demonstrate that the environment is protected from authorised discharges of radioactive substances. In response a number of assessment tools (models) have been developed. As the need for environmental assessment increases there is a requirement to ensure that regulators, industry and their representatives are: conversant with assessment objectives; know how to use available tool; can interpret the results; understand the implications of how the tools are used.The Natural Environment Research Council has provide funding, under the Knowledge Exchange programme, to develop training packages (including on-line training materials) on radiological environmental assessment aimed specifically aimed at regulators and industry and those who may conduct assessment on their behalf. The project is lead by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology with collaborators from the England & Wales Environment Agency, Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) and Westlakes Scientific Consulting.
The training programme will be focussed towards the use of the ERICA Tool however, we will also consider other approaches.We are intending to run four two day courses although if there is sufficient demand we may be able to arrange more. The first course was held in April 2010, the next course will be held 24-26th November at CEH Lancaster. See Course Details for email link for registering an interest in attending a course. If you want to be kept informed of our activities please register to receive our Newsletters.
As this website (well it's a Wiki really) and training programme develop there will be interactive training materials available. All of the outputs from the EC EURATOM PROTECT project have been moved to this website as have those from the earlier EURATOM projects ERICA, FASSET and EPIC.
What's on the website A few tips for using the wiki |