h4. Situation at Japanese Nuclear Reactors
{color:#008000}We realise that some people may be finding this site whilst looking for information on radioactive releases from nuclear power plants in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011. The STAR{color} {color:#008000}{_}Radioecology Exchange{_}{color} {color:#008000}has a{color} {menulink:custom\|link=http://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/x/25B7Bw\|target=_blank}page with useful links{menulink}.
{color:#888888}Updated 13/04/2011{color}
h4. The Radioecology Exchange
The STAR Radioecology Network of Excellence website {menulink:custom\|link=http://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/x/qQFyBw\|target=_blank}(www.star-radioecology.org){menulink}is available. STAR is an EC EURATOM funded project with objectives to integrate radioecology programmes in key European organisations, develop joint training programmes, manage and disseminate knowledge and conduct a focused research programme.
{color:#888888}Posted by: Catherine Barnett 13/04/2011{color}
h4. IAEA EMRAS II Biota Modelling Group\- questionnaire
Your views are required by IAEA EMRAS II Biota Modelling Group. The Biota Modelling Group is reviewing the requirements for dynamic modelling within environmental (i.e. wildlife) radiological assessments, together with an overview of available models. To help achieve this we are consulting with colleagues using a questionnaire. The questionnaire can be found [here|rpemain:IAEA].
{color:#ff0000}{*}Note:*{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}Closing{*}{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}date Extended to 18{*}{color}{color:#ff0000}{*}{^}th{^}{*}{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}March 2011{*}{color}{color:#ff0000}Questionnaire now closed. Further information avalaibale soon.{color}
{color:#888888}Posted by: Catherine Barnett{color}
h4. The next Training course will be held at CEH Lancaster on 12-14{^}th^ October 2011.
Further information available [here.|rpemain:Training courses - schedule & details]
{color:#888888}Posted by: Catherine Barnett{color}
h4. CEH Information Gateway
The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) is the UK's Centre of Excellence for integrated research in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their interaction with the atmosphere. The [CEH Information Gateway|https://gateway.ceh.ac.uk/] is a new tool for finding, viewing and accessing CEH's data resources including radioecology datasets. To view available radioecological data type Radioecology into the Search box. More data will be added in the future - one of the intial datasets available is that for natural radionuclide concentrations in soil, sediment and water in England and Wales (see England & Wales EA for report [Assessment of naturally occurring radionuclides in England and Wales|https://wiki.ceh.ac.uk/download/attachments/115016440/SCHO0906BLBK-e-e.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1263578602000] describing these data).
{color:#888888}Posted by: Catherine Barnett{color}