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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Brown et al. The ERICA Tool JER 99 Catherine Barnett Jan 18, 2010
Page: BWG Catherine Barnett Jun 30, 2010
Page: CEH Lancaster Catherine Barnett Nov 17, 2010
Page: Copplestone et al. Frederica database JER 99 user-1b5f8 Jan 15, 2010
Page: Copplestone et al. FREDERICA radiation effects database JER 99 Catherine Barnett Jan 18, 2010
Page: Copplestone et al. Review of current regulatory approaches to both chemicals and radioactive substances RP 44 Catherine Barnett Jan 18, 2010
Page: Copplestone et. al. Considerations for the integration of human and wildlife radiological assessments JRP Catherine Barnett Jun 15, 2010
Page: Course 1 (April 2010) user-6edc5 Nov 10, 2016
Page: Course 2 (November 2010) Catherine Barnett Apr 07, 2014
Page: Course 3 (12-14 October 2011) Catherine Barnett Apr 07, 2014
Page: Course 4 (27-29 June 2012) Catherine Barnett Apr 07, 2014
Page: Course 5 - April 2014 user-6edc5 Nov 10, 2016
Page: Databases Catherine Barnett Aug 21, 2012
Page: Deliverable reports user-1b5f8 Mar 02, 2010
Page: EA R&D128 user-6edc5 Nov 10, 2016
Page: EC EURATOM projects Catherine Barnett Aug 21, 2012
Page: England & Wales EA Catherine Barnett May 30, 2017
Page: EPIC user-1b5f8 Mar 16, 2010
Page: EPIC papers user-ecad3 Feb 05, 2010
Page: EPIC reports user-1b5f8 Feb 05, 2010
Page: ERICA Catherine Barnett Nov 18, 2021
Page: ERICA papers user-1b5f8 Sep 24, 2010
Page: ERICA reports user-ecad3 Jan 21, 2010
Page: ERICA Tool Catherine Barnett Nov 18, 2021
Page: European Commission Claire Wells Jun 13, 2018
Page: FASSET user-ecad3 Jan 21, 2010
Page: FASSET papers user-1b5f8 Feb 05, 2010
Page: FASSET reports user-1b5f8 Dec 19, 2011
Page: FREDERICA Catherine Barnett Jul 30, 2010
Page: Garnier-Laplace et al. A multi-criteria weight of evidence approach to ecological benchmarks JRP Catherine Barnett Jun 15, 2010
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